Chip ingram speaking schedule
Chip ingram speaking schedule

i decided to read this book after my friend who i saw such a change in her life and such a passion for God recommended me that tozer book but i couldnt find it so i got this instead. chip was heavily influenced by those 2 books and u can tell. I would also recommend the JI Packer knowing God and AW towzer knowledge of GOd. That was me.and this has been so inspiring. This book can be good for all but can be especially good for people who are new believers who havent read much sctipture or even people who have been in the church since they were a kid but have a distorted view of God. And then as you delve into the Pages of Scripture you start digging and looking at God's character the right way, marvelling at it. WHether you are a new or old believer it will give you a correct perspective of God. The Word of GOd will and is ALWAYS neede dbut i is a great book to read. This book of course is not a subsititue for the BIble. so that while i read this on my break and then later throughout my workday i could easily remember God is Soverign.he can work all things out. Chip ingram breaks down the character of God sooo well.

chip ingram speaking schedule

it's great because it has alot of scripture and its straightfroward in everyday language. this book is one of those books that you need in ur collection.

chip ingram speaking schedule

Yes! yes ! yes! this book is so awesome! i am like halfway and i got it earlier this week.and ive been learning so much.

Chip ingram speaking schedule